Arya Bed College Facilities

Language Lab

Language Laboratory occupies the most prominent place among the technological aids in language teaching. It is one of the recent innovations in the language teaching. Arya College has the language lab facility to enrich the communications skills of the students .We have engage the students in meaningful spoken English .These tools allow the students to engage in the learning process in a meaningful way that will aid them in attaining mastery over the linguistic skills that is necessary to increase student overall performance.
Salient features of Language lab:-

  • Holding Discussions on New Vocabulary Words and their usage.
  • Holding English language Proficiency Classes.
  • Organizing Remedial English Grammar Classes
  • Maintaining Vocabulary Scrapbook
  • Organizing Activities like Picture Composition, Story Writing, Rhyme & Story File.
  • Listening and speaking practice is given to the individual learners for Correct Pronunciation, Self Correction and Self Examination.
  • Superior Sound quality material transmission and Communication




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